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In conversation with Stephanie Gobbo, naturopath and nutritionist

In conversation with Stephanie Gobbo, naturopath and nutritionist

Can you tell us a little about the inspiration and journey behind becoming a naturopath? 

I was inspired to become a Naturopath and Nutritionist after doing 6 weeks of work experience at a health retreat in Queensland called the Golden Door. I was in awe with the how healthy and happy the staff were and how much they loved their job. I also saw the health transformations the guests were having week after week following the retreat diet and lifestyle program. As I stayed on site for the full 6 weeks, I too participated in the fitness, lifestyle and nutrition that was offered and I felt incredible. I knew this was the industry I wanted to be in.

Why is heart health so important?

Looking after our heart health is fundamental for longevity and disease prevention. Keeping our diet and lifestyle healthy can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and our risk of a heart attack or developing heart disease. It is something we can work on every day and will have significant long term benefits for our cardiovascular health. 

What are some key recommendations for us to look after our heart health?

  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce excess salt, fried food, fast food, processed food, sugar and alcohol 
  • Increase leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables 
  • Increase plant fibre eg nuts, seeds, lentils, legumes
  • Increase anti-oxidant rich fruits eg blueberries
  • Eat a Mediterranean based diet 
  • Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil as your oil of choice in the kitchen 
  • Add fresh herbs into daily cooking 
  • Move your body daily
  • Reduce stress 
  • Complete testing if needed without delay eg: blood pressure, cholesterol profile, diabetes screening, heart ultrasound, ECG, calcium score 
  • Learn about your family history and heart disease risk 
  • If there is a high risk member family, keep a defibrillator in the house and complete a first aid course so you know how to use it 
  • Ensure you are a healthy weight 

How can we all become more conscious of our health? 

Listen to your body, watch out for new signs or symptoms, be aware of family medical history complete your routine testing. Preventative health is imperative to wellbeing and healthy aging. Don’t ignore symptoms is my biggest piece of advice. 

Can you share your own health and wellbeing rituals?

My health rituals are based around a healthy diet, prioritising sleep and regular movement. Stress management and self care is also very important to me. If we are not fuelling our bodies correctly and not resting adequately then we can’t perform optimally. 

What are you most grateful for?

With all the tragedy that has happened recently with the global pandemic, the devastating floods in Australia and the tragic war in Ukraine it has made me incredibly grateful for a happy, healthy, safe family and home. I never take this for granted. I am also very grateful to be able to help people as part of my job, it is very humbling and fulfilling. 

Who inspires you?

All front line workers inspire me. 

What is next on the horizon for you and Willow Urban Retreat?

We are so excited to be hosting more therapeutic cooking classes and wellness events at Willow this year.